sass and sensibility

"I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."

Mar 4, 2009

On sickness and silliness...

I've been sick for the past week...some kind of cold/flu thing that is FINALLY going away. But it's made my voice sound a little like a frog...and these are some of the things I've been told in the past week:

1) "Ms Book, you sound like a tranny!"
2) that I sound like some old actress whom I've never heard of
3) that I need to start a sex hotline

And my voice also prompted the following interaction:
Obsessed with Charmed (did i rename him??): Miss Book, what happened to you?!?
Me: I'm turning into a man.
OwC: Oh. Good luck!

And today's review session with the 8th grade was quite interesting. I Didn't Kiss Her Boy insists on asking crazy questions until I cut him off (I finally made him stop when he started arguing with me about why we don't just ship all of our garbage to the moon/outer space). What follows are some of the questions I asked, and their answers:

Why should we use less water?
We shouldn't! We should use more, because there's too much water in the ocean and that's why we have so many hurricanes and tsunamis!

What's our recent crisis in the US? (I was hinting towards the economy)
Diapers! There are too many disposable diapers!

Who is the one who actually made your shirt? (trying to get them to see how what they buy affects people in other countries)

This one was a written response I received on a reflection essay:
"If we do use foccail [fossil] fuels we will chew up the equator."

Okay, so when the sulfur oxide gases get into the clouds, what do they make?
(the correct answer is acid rain, in case you were wondering :) )

Apparently I prayed for patience...and God sent me this group of 8th graders to give me some practice...


Blogger julie said...


how's that sex hotline going? hah!

10:55 AM  

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