sass and sensibility

"I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."

Oct 25, 2006

odds and ends...

One of my eighth grade girls is going to "give me a lesson" tomorrow during snack time...
she was appalled when I told her that I wouldn't ask a boy out.  Apparently this requires 
a personal tutoring session from someone who is obviously a relationship expert...

I managed to blow a fuse today during science class.  Sweet.  Apparently a computer, two space heaters and a microwave all on the same outlet isn't a good idea...  It was okay until Cold Girl plugged in a second heater to warm just herself.  Then the bag of popcorn stopped popping and I knew we had a problem.  But not a big least I still had the popped bag from the previous period.  All was well...they were still able to make observations of the two bags (with similar masses...but different volumes)  I also got to use my aquarium today to play "sink or float" with cans of pop.  The kids thought it was cool, and the president happened to walk through while I was doing it and stayed to was pretty sweet.  Though they all begged me for a can of pop afterwards.

This just in:  pi is a really big number.  Or at least according to a certain sister of mine...
casey: if you were to count all of the picture that me and whit were in, it would be like...a lot...
whitney:  yeah, like pi...

And apparently State College becomes the third largest city in PA on game day.  Actually, Beaver Stadium itself might become the third largest city, but I think a city needs at least like a post office or something, so let's just say State College.  That is so crazy.  I think it's one of my favorite statistics ever.  The game was good, just a little chilly.  And the Blue Band is pretty much amazing.  I am going to post pictures if I figure out how to.  It was homecoming, so they had an alumni band too...and this baton twirler guy was there and he was ridiculously good.  As in twirling a baton in each hand and one on the back of his neck.  I just want to know how you discover this talent if you are a guy.  I suspect that it has to start with juggling and go from there.  Do moms really sign their sons up for baton lessons?  I mean, obviously there's nothing wrong with's just not the norm...

Once again, nighttime bicyclists need to get smart.  Today's tip:  don't bike the wrong way down a one way street at night while wearing black.  The mullet scored him even more negative points.

I had an eighth grader ("Relationship Expert") tell me today that styrofoam and iron were different because styrofoam is like a cotton and iron is a gas.  In complete seriousness.  I am not sure if her background is just that bad or what exactly I'm dealing with here...most of my other students could tell me not only that iron was a metal, but also that it was an element on the periodic table.  Hmm.


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