2.5 minutes
Four cups of coffee and an hour in the car from home to here. That has to be some sort of record. Or I just have amazing bladder capacity.
Sarah and Nate's wedding was this past weekend, so we took a little road trip out to Ohio. It's supposed to take 4.5 hours but we managed to make it more like 5 or 6 each way what with our food and restroom and shopping needs. We managed to find the scariest rest stop in West Virginia on the way there. All we wanted was coffee and a bathroom. They had coffee...but just coffee...and styrofoam cups...with cheap creamer and sugar. They also sold these lovely animal figurines...since I'm sure folks often stop at a truck stop and figure that while they're there they might as well buy a decoration for the apartment. I suppose it could have been a last minute wedding gift. Or something. It was at this point that Lisa noticed the room labeled "Adults Only." We took that as our signal to exit as quickly as possible, which we did. Thankfully Target/Starbucks was mere miles away.
We also, at some point in our journey, discovered another spectacular restroom facility. I did not get to experience it, but Melissa hiked up her pants before going in so that they wouldn't touch the floor. She proceeded to touch as few surfaces as possible. They obviously had forgotten they had a bathroom and thus had not cleaned it since before the dawn of time.
Barring those experiences, it was a lovely trip...the fall colors were amazing, the wedding was beautiful and I ate myself sick on dessert at the reception. Always a recipe for a good time. And thus, another friend is married. Met a guy and married him in a little over a year. That is crazy. Just shows how much you can plan your life :-p And as one wedding concludes, another friend becomes engaged :) and yet another is pregnant...exciting times.! :) I think I am content to sit back and watch for a little while at least. One new thing at a time please.
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