sass and sensibility

"I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."

Sep 29, 2006

"wheeeoooooo wheeeeeooooo"

we had our first fire drill today.  it consisted of john blowing an absurdly loud whistle, 
zach yelling "wheeee - ooo, wheeeee - oooo" and cody yelling things like "hurry up, seniors burn 
faster!" and "you're wearing an apron with paint on it, those burn faster!"  while all of the students walked outside grinning because they were out of class.  

and because it was friday.
fridays are nice because everyone is so exhausted from the week that no one makes any trouble in class :-p  or at least not in my class...

8th period on a friday with seniors.  now there is a low energy class.  it's like i'm paddling the chemistry canoe through molasses.

in other news, my car decided that all of the new parts it got this summer weren't enough and so it would have to start drinking power steering fluid like koolaid again.  i am not paying another $600.  i am investing in a large bottle of power steering koolaid.  cheers.


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