sass and sensibility

"I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."

Sep 27, 2007

Good news...

No MRSA. Whew.

Though that news came after I had the juniors in class, and with two of their classmates on the "contaminated" list (and thus at the Health Department getting tested), they all wanted to wear latex gloves and try to figure out who had last touched whom and when. I stopped them when they tried to tape their sleeves to their gloves, and I tried to explain why the gloves weren't really going to help anything...but I think they were determined to worry about it. Which meant I spent a good part of the period on WebMD explaining MRSA to them. This also resulted in the following conversation:

Master of the 3rd Dimension: What is MRSA?
Me: It's a staph infection that's very resistant to antibiotics.
Drama Queen: What?? You have it too?!?
Me: No...staph is short for staphylococcus. It's a type of bacteria.
Drama Queen: Ooooohh, I thought you meant you all had it!

Raise your hand if you love homonyms!


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