An addendum....
In celebration of August birthdays and a graduate school acceptance, some friends and I enjoyed the following a-mazing cake, made by the wonderfully talented Ms. Caddy:Isn't that incredible? I didn't want to eat it... That was followed by some karaoke at a local bar where we learned that just because you can play a song on Guitar Hero it doesn't mean that you know it well enough to sing it (in my case it meant that the only words I actually knew were in the title...).
And everyone's favorite students is back...the following exchange involved FS, a coworker, and me at breakfast:
FS: What does Deutsch mean?
Em: German
FS: No, what does it mean?
Em: It means German.
FS: I know that it's German, but what does it mean.
Em: Yeah, it's German for German.
Me: Like Espanol is Spanish for Spanish...
FS: But what does Deutsch mean???
Em: It means butthead, okay?!
FS: HAH! (turns to upperclassman next to him) You're a Deutsch!
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