sass and sensibility

"I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."

Jul 5, 2007

it's written on the ceiling...

Today Molly and I found out just how gullible the 9th grade boys are...

Boy #1 (to Molly): why do you get to have your cell phone? We should get to have ours too.
Molly: I had to let Ms Caddy into the building earlier because the back door was locked, so she called me (this apparently happened during Boy #1's class). Otherwise she would have been stuck out there.
Me: Crying in the corner.
Boy #2 (incredulous): Crying?
Me: Well wouldn't you be crying if you got locked outside?
Both: No!
Boy #1: Why couldn't she just walk around to the front door?
Molly: It's against her religion to go through the front door of a church.
Both: What?!!? Are you serious!?!? Why?
Molly: Well her religion thinks that the front door should be like God's door and only He should go through it.
Boy #1: So you don't go through the front door?
Molly: No, I do, but she doesn't.
Me: Molly thinks she's God.
Boy #2: Well, I don't want to bash anyone's religion...but...that's really weird. What if she accidentally does it, like if someone pushes her?
Molly: Then she has to go to confession.

The conversation continued like this for awhile (and included us telling them a lot of other things, like that I have a robot that I built in my basement)...Boy #2 was still talking about it in my class two periods later. Hilarious.

This was also the conversation where Boy #1 said "Jesus was a G. I'll bet that cross was heavy. Like two telephone poles..."


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