to-may-to, to-mah-to....
A couple of the juniors are currently standing in front of my desk/by the periodic table in order to record their commercial for the element platinum. One of them was holding up colored signs that have words like "shiny!" "hip!" "new!" "now!" "wow!" The thing is...I just looked up and saw that their first sign said "SHINNY!"
Me: is that supposed to say "shiny"? It spells "shinny"...
Girl with a Curl*: What? No, it says "shiny."
Me: No, shiny has one n, that says "shinny."
Girl: No, you spell shinny "S-H-I-T-T-Y"
Me: HAH! I said "shiNNY"!
Oh miscommunications...apparently my pronunciation sounded different to her...:)
*Do you know the rhyme?
"There was a little girl
who had a little curl
right in the middle of her forehead
and when she was good
she was very very good
but when she was bad
she was horrid!"
That pretty much describes her :)