sass and sensibility

"I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."

Jan 11, 2007

on clearing up health-related misconceptions

Okay, so I've been debating on whether or not I should really share this story. But I'm going to. It's one of those that's better in person, but mostly because I enjoy sharing in people's reactions. With that said, buckle your seatbelts. WARNING: FOLLOWING CONTENT IS NOT G RATED.

We've been talking about radioactivity in 8th grade science, so the topic of cancer came up and we talked about how radiation can both cause cancer and be used to treat it. I'm teaching 13 year old boys, so of course one of them tells another one that he is going to get breast cancer. The ensuing conversation:

someone: "Men can't get breast cancer!"
me: "Oh yes, men CAN get breast cancer."
[Note: at this point they apparently also have the misconception that if you hit someone in the chest, then they will get breast cancer.]
FS: "So say you punch a girl in the chest. .....okay, Miss Book, we're 13 years old, we need to know this..."
I nod, not sure where this is going...
FS: "And then you suck on it."
Pause to allow my eyes to return to normal size...o_O
FS: "What happens?"
me: "'s not contagious...."
FS: "Oh, okay."

Will wonders never cease?

Father Zach says I missed a perfect opportunity to tell him that he would get mouth, tongue, lip and tooth cancer.


Blogger Josh Peters said...

Unbelievable! you are bill cosby reincarnated.

8:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for a couple of months and really enjoy the stories about your students. They make me miss when I was working education summer camps on Pittsburgh Voyager. But this story takes the cake. My roommate probably thinks I'm demented from the amount of laughing I just did.
Good luck with your munchkins
Maura Perry

10:34 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

hahahaha. Wow, this was hysterical. Why didn't the govies ever do anything this funny?

2:39 PM  

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