sass and sensibility

"I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."

Dec 10, 2008

Math Sucks!

Does anyone know that song by Jimmy Buffet? (the title of the post)

I was observing a 10th grade geometry class today and I was sitting next to one of my old 8th graders..."Obsessed with Charmed". The teacher gave them the homework at the end of a lesson on perfect squares and square roots and as the bell rang he replied with,

"I'm going to pass away and come back and STILL hate this!"

Dec 8, 2008

A Lesson in Punctuation

Today when we were taking notes in chemistry--

Obsessed with Buses*: Ms Book, why is there a question mark after that sentence?
Model Student: Because it's a QUESTION!

*This kid is amazing...he is completely obsessed with the bus system. His classmates were quizzing him the other day...he can tell you what bus to get on to go anywhere--and he could even tell you where to catch it!

And the other day in physics class--
Mr. Gas-Ex: Ms Book, you have a beautiful smile. I don't know if I ever told you that.
Me: Thank you.
Mr. G-E: Why don't you teach me to smile like that?
Male Student: You have to buy the book at Barnes and Noble--How to Be Miss Book for Dummies.

Not hilarious, but amusing nonetheless...:)

Dec 2, 2008

adding to the list...

Ms Brett recently shared with me her association of some of the 8th graders with cartoon characters. This quote come from one we'll call Teletubby, labeled as such mostly because of the way her ADD manifests continual talking and whining, as well as her tendency to roll on the floor moaning and crying if she gets written up for missing homework (behavior that I have, thus far, only heard tell of...)

This also adds another to the list of people my students tell me I look like (unless I've already mentioned this one, if so, I apologize.)

Teletubby Girl (to classmates): Doesn't Miss Book look like Anne Frank? I swear she does.
Me: Really? I don't think so.
Other students: Yeah! She does! [Holding up book with picture of Anne Frank on it.] Miss Book, do you even know who Anne Frank is?
Me: Of course! (Meaning I had to give a quick summary of her life story to prove it)
Teletubby Girl (to class): She looks like Anne Frank. She thinks I'm just saying that because she's white, but I'm not. [pause] ...Miss Book's not white to me...

Honestly, I AM half Eastern European, so maybe they're onto something with the Anne Frank thing...:-p

Dec 1, 2008

en espanol

I just saw this written on the Spanish teacher's whiteboard...apparently a quote from her class with the seniors today:

Maestra: What tense is it in?