sass and sensibility

"I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."

May 5, 2011

Good news!

Emails like this are the reason I love my students. :)

The subject line of this one was "Good News"....

Dear Ms. Book,
my homework for tommorow is crumbled up, but i still got it done!
p.s. i didnt crumble it up :)

May 3, 2011

Black and white

Every once in awhile something happens that I feel like I have to blog about immediately. This is one of those times. I'm sitting in the back of the 10th grade biology class while they talk about genetics, which makes for a lot of interesting conversations. Long story short, I ended up googling something they were talking about and finding something unrelated but nonetheless interesting...fraternal twins--one black and one white...

I knew they'd think it was really cool, so when there was a lull in the conversation I showed them the pictures. After gathering around my desk and exclaiming over the idea of black and white twins, they returned to their seats...except for one girl who hung back a little bit and whispered to me, "so, Miss Book, is that white baby gonna, like, talk white when she grows up?"