sass and sensibility

"I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."

Aug 26, 2009

Vocabulary lessons

We sat down for lunch today during faculty inservice, and Father Fetterman pulled up a chair to the table. (Look up the definition of "grandfather" in the dictionary and you will find his picture.) His (dead serious) question for us:
"Can anyone give me a definition of the word 'skank'?"

Aug 22, 2009

Lions. For real.

Okay, so if you were not aware, I just returned from three weeks in Kenya. Perhaps I shall regale you with stories at a later date. For now I just wanted to replay a comment from earlier today when I saw one of my students (Obsessed with Charmed) at school. We had just talked about my trip to Kenya and had moved on to discussing cell phones. I was showing him my phone where the background is a picture of some lions I saw on safari.

Me: Look at the lions! (It's an impressively closeup picture, so I like to show people).
OwC: Miss Book! Did you go to the zoo?!
Me: No! These are for real!

Speaking of lions, this antimalaria medicine I'm still taking gives me some pretty vivid dreams. Last night I was being chased by a lion. Needless to say, I was wide awake at by 5:15 this morning, after sleeping only four hours :-P